There are many
online resources available, including General
Resouces , Cattaraugus County
Resources, and Preserving
Family Documents, Photographs and Artifacts.
General Resources:
Taylor -- The Photo Detective |
Taylor has the knowledge and skill to find clues in old
photographs. She is on YouTube,
has her own Blog,
does Podcasts,
provides Photo
Consultations, and offers Books
on the subject. 
Do you have a photograph you cannot identify and know or suspect
it is important? Watching Maureen's Blogs, Podcasts, and Virtual
Presentations, etc. may give you much needed clues. View her
Events for more opportunities, and/or Book
a Seminar at your local historical society.  |
FamilySearch.org |
This is
a free resource
for finding historical data and document images for individuals.
To receive the full benefits, you must register, and no money
is required. 
FamilySearch is particularly good in providing records for folks
in England.  |
a Grave.com -- Need a photo of a headstone? |
On 30 Sep 2013 Find
A Grave was sold to Ancestry.com, but retained the original
web page look/format.
As of 20 Aug 2018
that format was changed to look like Ancestry.com web pages.
Data is no longer presented in a clear, concise
and compact manner as before. 
This is a free
resource for finding and sharing grave site information and
images of headstones. The information has been posted by contributors,
so not every grave is listed. However, over 165 million grave
memorials and 80 million photographs have been contributed.

Individual memorials sometimes have biographies, links to related
family memorials, and an image of the headstone, documents,
and/or the deceased. If there is no gravestone photo, you can
submit a request by clicking "Request Photo" at the
left. You will be notified by email when the request has been
If you know where and when your ancestor is buried and cannot
find a memorial for that individual, become
a contributor/member. It is free
and easy, and then you can create memorials. 
When you are a contributor, it is very important to add as much
correct information as you can to the Bio section of their memorial.
Also, you can bring the family together by creating links to
their immediate family members.  |
-- YES, Facebook! |
Yes! Facebook. They
have 3 types of groups: 1) Public (anyone can find them
and see posts), 2) Closed (anyone can find the group,
but only members can see posts), 3) Secret (only members
can find the group and view posts). 
To find a closed group, click "Groups"
in the left menu under Explore. Then click
"Discover" in the top menu. Once there, you can search
for your topic of interest. When you see the results, click
"Groups" in the top menu. You will see a list of closed
groups. Select a group which pertains to your
interests, and click "Join" to request
This has been a huge help to some people. One lady had been
searching for her German ancestors for 30 years on Ancestry,
FamilySearch, etc. with no results. With this method she found
a Baden-Württemberg, Germany group which she was able to
join and post a request for help with her research. Not only
did she get help, but several members posted actual documents:
birth, christening/confirmation, marriage, immigration, death
records, etc. 
A gentleman looking for Scottish Genealogy found several groups.
It is worth a try.  |
FreeAncestrySearch.org |
This is a free
resource to search public records by: Cemetery, Clerk, Court,
Historical Society, Library, Marriage License Office, Town &
City Hall, and State. They "have 3rd party ads . . . to
help pay for hosting and keep data timely and accurate."
It is unclear who and where they are, but they do list an email
address in their Privacy Policy. |
Affairs -- Nationwide Gravesite Locator |
This is a free
resource to search for burial locations of veterans and their
family members in VA National Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries,
various other military and Department of Interior cemeteries,
and for veterans buried in private cemeteries when the grave
is marked with a government grave marker.  |
FultonHistory.com |
This is a free
resource for finding obituaries and articles. It takes a little
getting used to, but has offerings not available on Newspapers.com.
Select "boolean" from the drop-down menu in the upper
left-hand corner, type a name in quotes and location. This will
yield any available citations.  |
Security Death Index -- GenealogyBank.com |
If you are looking for
the death date of a family member who may have had a social
security number, this is the best free
resource. You have to register for free,
no money is required. The birth and death dates, and last known
city of residence are available. However, actual Social Security
numbers are NOT available. 
You can also subscribe to GenealogyBank.com for a
fee, but this is NOT required to view the SSDI.
Web Pages |
This is a free
site which contains tools for finding immigration records, census
records, vital records, and for dealing with calendars, maps,
foreign alphabets, and numerous other applications. Some of
these tools fetch data from other web sites.
List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet |
This is a free
resource. Cyndi has created a list of over 336,000 links to
genealogy web sites, which are categorized in several ways.
Books |
This is a free
resource. Many of the citations have downloadable images of
the actual pages. One can search by keywords, such as names,
places, events, etc. Try looking for your "Surname
Family", i.e., McCluer Family, and get a list of published
family histories.
News Archives |
This is a free
resource. Newspapers listed are domestic and international,
and do not appear to be in the mainstream. The dates to be found
range from 1738 to 2009. This may change as newspapers are added
or deleted.
Fred - Genealogy Photo Archive |
This is a free
resource where you can search for genealogy photographs by surname,
keywords, or do a detailed search. It is worth a look.
Free Genealogy Sites to Search Today |
This is a free
resource hosted by Family History Daily and listing wide-ranging
websites which may be of interest to you. Suggest you disregard
the 3 "free" searches at the top of the web page after
"AdChoices". Just scroll down to view the 50 genealogy
of Historical County Boundaries in the United States |
This is a free
resource. Click a state on the interactive
map. Click "View Interactive Map".
Select a date to see the county boundaries
at that time. Or
Click "County Index" at the bottom
of the page to see a list of change for a specific county.
Ancestry.com |
You can search Ancestry.com for
free and get a
listing of possible records. However, you cannot see the actual
records unless you subscribe. If you find a record you want
to view, you can use Ancestry.com for free
at most public libraries. This is a great way to get started
on your family history. 
You can become a member without paying for
a subscription. They will send emails informing you of new collections,
periodic discounts, etc. 
If you choose to purchase
a subscription, you get added benefits. You can create
your own Ancestry Family Tree(s) online and the Ancestry system
will search for all possible documents related to each individual
on your tree. If at a later date another possible document is
located or added you will be notified by email. Ancestry is
continually adding databases and collections. 
You can choose from 3 levels of subscription:.
1) U.S. Discovery - This level has ONLY U.S.
2) World Explorer - Includes U.S. Discovery
and World records
3) All Access - Iincludes U.S. Discovery, World
Explorer, Newspapers.com and Fold3.com  Probably
the greatest benefit is the ability to find living individuals
with the same family history. We know of an instance where a
woman found her previously unknown 3rd Cousin. They are now
able to share information and photos. |
be aware!
The Family Tree Maker (FTM) software long associated with
Ancestry.com is no longer available from Ancestry.
As of 01 Jan 2017, FTM 2014 and FTM Mac 3 are no longer supported
by Ancestry.com. You can now get Family Tree Maker from the
following software producers:
Family Tree Maker (FTM) 2019
from MacKiev is now available.
The cost to download the program is $79.95. It looks and works
just like Ancestry's former Family Tree Maker (FTM). After
it is installed, it will convert your former Family Tree Maker
file(s) to run on FTM 2019, so be sure to backup your old
files if you want them to run on a previous version of FTM.
Installing FTM 2019 does not delete former versions of FTM
that may be on your computer.
As of June 28, 2017, RootsMagic
9 with TreeShare is available. However, at that time there
was no actual Sync feature like you might remember in the
Ancestry FTM. You can TreeShare
with your Ancestry Family Tree(s) online, but you must sync
your data one individual at a time or download your entire
Ancestry Family Tree every time you want to update your local
Newspapers.com |
There is a subscription
fee for this service. Not all newspapers are
available on the service. In addition, some of the offerings
do not go back very far in time. However, if you find what you
need, none of that matters.
Cattaraugus County
are free resources
for finding local historical data and document images.
of Cattaraugus County, New York - Huge PDF - Download the
file for best viewing |
of Cattaraugus County, New York - L. H. Everts,1879, including
Franklinville on P. 308  |
of Cattaraugus County, New York - Painted Hills, by Town
County, New York - Ancestry.com |
County, New York - FamilySearch  |
County, New York - USGenWeb  |
County Court System -- Wills and Deeds for Cattaraugus County,
303 Court Street, Little Valley, NY 14755 -- (716) 938-2599
County Historical Museum and Research Center -- Periodicals
on Microfilm
9824 Route 16, Machias, NY 14101 -- (716) 353-8200  |
County Town and City Historians  |
County Maps  |
County Chronology  |
County, New York - Wikipedia  |
Path of Cattaraugus County - Articles  |
Preserving Family
Documents, Photographs and Artifacts
If you need further assistance
with your local Ischua Valley research, you may submit a Search
Request to us.