Upcoming Events 

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  The Maple Festival! IVHS is dependent on fundraising and donations and the success of this event is important to us. Please remember that all our work is done by volunteers. No one is paid. The funds we raise are used to pay utilities, insurance, printing, postage, supplies and repairs.

More details will be available soon.

Please come out and support The Maple Festival and the Ischua Valley Historical Society.

You Well!


While there is no mask mandate, if any of you wish to continue masking we will understand. Thankfully, we have become more knowledgeable in how to stay healthy and still enjoy social events. Please keep this in mind as we move forward together.
          See You Soon.

Watch for more details, and final dates and times as the year progresses.
These will be posted here,
in our quarterly Newsletter, and in our local Newspapers.


P.O. Box 153, Franklinville, NY  14737