1 of the renovation has been completed.
Photographs of the renovation progress will be
published in the IVHS 2019 Summer Newsletter sent
to members. Phase 2 will start

We are accepting volunteers to help us paint the
walls. To volunteer, please call (716) 353-0290
and let us know you are interested. This will
help defray the cost of professional painters,
as so much more needs to be done by our building
contractor. Please encourage
your friends, and other organizations to make
a tax-deductible
donation by sending a check directly to IVHS,
so we can keep the renovation moving forward.
Thank you!
When 3 Park Square is finish, we will be able
to move our vast resources
into the newly renovated, climate-controlled facility.
At that point, visitors will be welcome to make
an appointment to do their research. |